Categories and rules


U11: Until the year they turn 10.
U13: Until the year they turn 12. 
Weight class: Floating. Groups of 3-6 persons according to age and weight.
Fight time: 2 minutes - No Golden Score. Hiki-Wake if draw. Everybody is awarded medals.
U11 & U13 are arranged according to Norways children sports regulation (


U15 (Pre-Cadet): 11-14 years old
Female: -32, -36, -40, -44, -48, -52, -57, -63, +63 kg
Male:  -34, -38, -42, -46, -50, -55, -60, -66, +66 kg
Fight time: 3 minutes and Golden Score without time limit.

U18 (Cadet): (14*)15-17 years old
Female: -40, -44, -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, +70 kg
Male:  -42, -46, -50, -55, -60, -66, -73, -81, -90, +90 kg
Fight time: 4 minutes and Golden Score without time limit.
*The year the athlete turns 14, they can participate in U18, with a minimum of 3.KYU. 

U21 (Junior): 15-20 years old
U21 for female is removed from the Norwegian Cup.
Male: -55, -60, -66, -73, -81, -90, -100, +100 kg
Fight time: 4 minutes and Golden Score without time limit.

Senior: Men: from 18 year / Women: from 15 years
Female: -48, -52, -57, -63, -70, -78, +78 kg
Male: -60, -66, -73, -81, -90, -100, +100 kg
Fight time: 4 minutes and Golden Score without time limit.

Para Judo
Floating weight category.
Fight time: 3 minutes.


2 competitors: Best of 3
3-5 competitors: Pool
6-7 competitors: Double Pool
8 and more: Double repechage

Awards for 1, 2, Double bronze if more than 5 competitors.

Shime waza and Kansetsu waza are allowed from U18 (Cadets) and upwards.

The competition will be conducted according to the Contest Rules, Organization Code and Sporting Code of the Norwegian Judo Federation. Norwegian Judo Federation is a member of EJU.

The athlete is subject to prevailing national and international doping rules.
Read more -

**Norwegian athletes only
Klubber eller regioner kan søke om dispensasjon fra Stevnereglementet med hensyn til påmelding og deltakelse på stevner. Søknad sendes senest innen påmeldingsfristens utløp til NJF v/SK på e-post: [email protected]



  • U11 250 NOK
    Children 9 to 10 years old - Floating weight class
  • U13 250 NOK
    Children 11 to 12 years old - Floating weight class
  • U15 (Pre-cadet) 350 NOK
    Girls and Boys Under 15
  • U18 (Cadet) 350 NOK
    Girls and Boys Under 18
  • U21 (Junior) 350 NOK
    Men under 21
  • Senior 350 NOK
    Senior Woman and Men
  • Para judo 350 NOK
    Athlete with a disability

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